Eliminating Internet Problems
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Eliminating Internet Problems

A few months ago, I realized that my internet wasn't working that well. My connection kept timing out, and it seemed like no matter what I did, the pages weren't loading quickly at all. I cleared out my cache, reset my router, and still nothing. After talking with a neighbor, they informed me that there was a problem with the internet provider that I was using. I contacted the internet provider, and they walked me through a few really interesting troubleshooting tips. I learned a lot that day, and I want to teach you a lot too. This blog is filled with articles about the Internet, so that you don't run into any trouble of your own.

Eliminating Internet Problems

  • 4 Great Benefits Of Colocation Data Services

    6 August 2016

    When you want to facilitate better communication and internet use with your business, you should consider colocation services. Colocation allows you to share IT servers, data centers and other similar types of infrastructure with other businesses in the same physical location. Colocating data centers generally cost between $100 and $300 per month and are worth every penny, as explained in the benefits below.  Benefit #1: Colocation Allows For Better Uptime

  • Three Occasions When You May Need Cabling Services In Your Office

    11 February 2016

    If you have a growing small business with a dozens of printers, phones and computers in your office, there is a good chance that professional cabling services may be beneficial for you and your business. However, if you are not a "techie," you may not realize that the proper handling of the cables that connect your computers and other equipment ensures that you can continue to conduct business. The following occasions are times when you are likely to need help with your office cables.

  • Lagging in Online Games? Disconnecting? Here's a Few Reasons Why

    28 November 2015

    Figuring out internet connection problems can be a pain, especially when the fixes seem to be highly technical. Every internet service provider (ISP) is different and there may be certain circumstances that you simply can't escape, but you'll need to understand why in order to move towards a more satisfying fix. If you're a gamer who demands consistency, take the time to understand why your gaming is affected specifically and what could be causing the problem.

  • Is Game Server Management Best At Home Or Leased?

    6 October 2015

    The multiplayer gaming world has expanded greatly over the past few decades. From two controllers connected to a single gaming console, Local Area Network (LAN) parties with connected computers and finally with online games bringing people together over the Internet, there are many advanced ways to get multiplayer action for many of the games on the market. If you're planning on running your own game server, you're faced with two major options: building your own server or leasing server space.