Eliminating Internet Problems
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Eliminating Internet Problems

A few months ago, I realized that my internet wasn't working that well. My connection kept timing out, and it seemed like no matter what I did, the pages weren't loading quickly at all. I cleared out my cache, reset my router, and still nothing. After talking with a neighbor, they informed me that there was a problem with the internet provider that I was using. I contacted the internet provider, and they walked me through a few really interesting troubleshooting tips. I learned a lot that day, and I want to teach you a lot too. This blog is filled with articles about the Internet, so that you don't run into any trouble of your own.

Eliminating Internet Problems

Reasons To Choose Fiber Optic Internet Over Other Options

Maria Mora

When you have different options for your Internet, you should choose fiber optic Internet over other services. This newer way of receiving the Internet in your home has many benefits over older services.


Many people still rely on Internet received through a copper phone line or cable connection. Dial-up Internet is one of the most unreliable forms of Internet, even if you have a dedicated phone line. The wiring is often corroded since it has been around since telephones became popular in residences. This means your phone line may need frequent repairs to maintain service and dial-up Internet often performs poorly. Similar problems occur with cable since the technology is also older. The technology used in fiber optic Internet is newer and created to support the technology needed for faster data transfer, making it appealing for people who use streaming services or upload content online.

Less Interference

Interference can be an issue in many types of Internet connections. One of the biggest problems is weather-related interference. Wind, rain, or snow can easily cause phone lines or cable to go offline. In the event of a major tropical or winter weather event, it is not uncommon to experience outages that last for weeks before someone can come to fix the problem. Even worse is weather-related issues involving satellite Internet. An overcast day or minor rain showers can quickly cause problems with the satellite. Fiber optic Internet has less interference than other options because the dedicated technology is more durable. The glass cable used is less affected by temperature fluctuations and other weather, reducing your chances of interference. Additionally, the use of glass cables prevents fiber optic lines from being affected by power surges or lightning.


Although every provider will have different prices for their services, fiber Internet providers tend to be comparable in price to cable or DSL. This makes it a better value for households because you have higher quality service at an affordable price. Fiber optic Internet is no comparison to satellite when it comes to affordability. In addition to satellite being unreliable, it tends to be unreasonably expensive for the average household, who may spend hundreds of dollars each month, but are limited on only a few gigabytes of data. When you also consider maintenance or repairs, many of the popular ways to receive Internet are clearly more expensive in the long-term.

When you have the option to choose the type of Internet for your household, fiber optic is the clear choice. Newer technology combined with reliability shows why more households are enjoying the benefits of fiber optics.
